This mindset tip will lead to amazing things in your business

Nobody ever said running a business would be easy. But in this 3-part series, I’m breaking down 3 things you can stop doing to make it a whoooole lot easier. 

In part 1, we talked about what your core marketing focus should be and why you should STOP making everything about you. This is a challenge I’ve seen so many entrepreneurs struggling with, and it’s a major reason why you’re not attracting the kind of clients (and invoices) you deserve.

Click here to read part 1


Ready for a BIG mindset mistake that could be standing in the way of your business’ success? 

Stop trying to CONVINCE us. 

Success in business is all about one defining factor: BELIEF. 

When you really TRULY believe in what you bring to the table, your audience will believe in it, too!

(Psst. That might be worth reading again.)

Belief is contagious, exciting, and confident. It’s an energy that you can’t help but be drawn toward. Its passion, purpose, commitment, and a dose of magic all mixed in. If you’ve been watching the Olympics you’ve probably witnessed BELIEF like none other this week!

But let’s talk about belief and how it applies to your business.

Have you ever made an investment in something PURELY because of the person selling it? Maybe you didn't even REALLY need the thing they were selling, but because they were so passionate about what they were selling and couldn’t help but BUY IN?!

My guess is that you can relate. I definitely can.

But… Instead of leading with this kind of confidence and energy that we know works. I see so many small business owners who are either hiding in the shadows passively “promoting” their products OR, on the flip side, trying too hard to convince people to work with them.

Here's the deal…

Your ideal customer is struggling. They have a distinct pain point or problem and they are searching for a solution. They want to be confident that YOU are the right choice — that hiring you and investing in your solution is the BEST decision to help them get from point A to point B and reach their goals. 

Your goal is to help them feel confident in their buying decision — to build their belief!

How do you do that? (Hint: it’s not by hiding in the shadows, or desperately trying to convince them to buy your offer.

It’s about showing UP and speaking with heart and conviction!

Show up in your business every day (on sales calls, team meetings, podcast interviews, etc.) and speak with FULL belief. With passion and authority.

Speak so confidently about your business and how you get to serve your audience, that people can FEEL your energy, your passion.

I want you to lead with so much conviction that your business may as well be curing cancer! Lead with THAT kind of belief and you will start to see a massive impact in your business!

Building this kind of belief is like a muscle, it takes consistency and time.

It all starts with knowing, down to your core, that what you provide CAN make a difference in your customers' lives. It takes a deep understanding of your business, from your purpose to your products and the unique experience that you offer to every single client. 

When you are 100% CLEAR on those aspects of your business and how they make a difference in someone’s life, something pretty awesome happens. You don’t have to convince anyone to invest in you. You just have to show up authentically, with a genuine confidence that you can help! 

Speaking of! I am next-level passionate about the Legendary Brand Academy because I get to help entrepreneurs, like you, do this deep work and build a brand strategy and marketing plan that will help them lead their business forward with BOLD confidence!

Here’s to believing in your business — so that your dream client does, too!