6 Content Marketing Steps To Build Your Audience

Raise your hand if you feel overwhelmed with content creation and trying to keep up with ALL the blogs, newsletters, and social media posts that you should be putting out there!?

As an entrepreneur, you KNOW that building an audience is important and that producing consistent content is the key to growth. But trying to create engaging content on EVERY platform can easily feel like a full-time job!

content copywriting

Even worse?

When you spend WAY too much time writing and rewriting the “perfect” post just to finally put it out into the world… Annnd crickets.

Nadda. Nothing. No views, likes or love.

Ugh. The frustration is REAL.

A client described this to me once as feeling “digitally rejected”. And I couldn’t have said it better!

Many entrepreneurs pour hours of creative thinking and energy into crafting content behind the scenes, so when it doesn’t seem to land with their audience it can feel like a very personal jab.

But, creating content for your business and brand doesn’t have to be so personal or hard. 

It IS possible to create content without all the guesswork. Content that really connects with your audience, and builds that know, like, and trust factor with your brand! 

Here are 6 of our top tips to help you take the overwhelm out of content creation and leave your audience wanting more.

1. Know your audience

First and foremost, if you want to create engaging content, you MUST be clear on who you are speaking to! 

Are you helping female business owners get more out of their day with better systems and organization? Empowering the corporate mom? Helping the bride take the stress out of her wedding day? Teaching cooking novices who live in the city how to meal plan? 

You need to understand your customer on a deep level. Knowing their wants, needs, problems, and pain points so that you are able to speak to those things.

The goal is to post strategic content that will have your customer thinking “Yes, OMG! She gets me.” Remember, it’s about building a relationship here.

2. Focus on the customer journey

It’s easy to chase inspiration down the wrong rabbit hole -- posting quotes, selfies, or tips that may have very little to do with your business. But when it comes to creating content that engages your audience, it’s SO important to let your unique brand strategy lead the way!

When brainstorming content ideas think about your customer and what they need. What are the missing puzzle pieces your client needs to understand about your industry? What kind of content can you share to highlight your expertise and experience? How can you share the value that your services provide? 

I recommend focusing on 3-5 content pillars that help educate, inspire, and guide your customer to work with you. Sharing consistent content under your primary pillars will help you build brand recognition and credibility!

It’s also helpful to think about planting seeds with each piece of your content. Each interaction is an opportunity to share value and lead your customer forward to the next step in your customer journey. Read more about creating a brand experience.

3. Inject your powerful brand voice. 

Words, tone, and style matter. To stand out in the digital world and in your audience's mind, you must find your brand’s voice. 

Your brand’s voice should be a mix of your brand personality and your customer’s language.

brand voice

Again, it’s important to really know your audience here. How do they speak? What will they resonate with? Should your voice come across as playful and witty, or more serious and professional? Or is it both, friendly and professional?

The most important aspect, however, is to be true to yourself. If you have a dry sense of humor, don’t try to be syrupy sweet. Be authentic FIRST. 

The best part? When you share your heart and voice in a consistent and powerful way, your audience will start to recognize your content purely by the way you speak to them. 

4. Spread out your core content. 

This right here might be the ultimate game-changer. Just because you are on 15 different platforms, doesn’t mean you need to create 15 unique posts. 

READ : Repetition in different formats is GOLD.

Here’s a quick recipe for repurposing core content;

Start with a medium that is most aligned (and fun) for you -- blog, podcast, video, etc. Then brainstorm, outline and create your core content in that medium.

Then branch out and find ways to repurpose that same content in different mediums.

For example: If your core content is created in a blog, you can repurpose that content into a social media post, a podcast episode, and a YouTube video.  

The idea is to spread your core content across the digital landscape. It’s about giving your audience several different ways to find you and to engage with your brand!

social media marketing

5. Think about the long game.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was your business. 

Building brand awareness through content takes consistency and time. But it’s SO much easier when you develop a strategy to use what you already have, over and over again!

You might not realize it, but you are probably already sitting on a gold mine of marketing content. Once you get clear on your brand pillars and message, I recommend digging into any digital marketing copy or media that you have already created; old posts, email marketing, articles, videos, etc., and re-sharing some of your best pieces.

Look at what performed well in the past on your blog, social media content (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), and what fits into your current business marketing goals. Then keep posting and repurposing old content in cycles to help you build engagement and momentum!

6. Use quick tips (and content bites) 

Your audience loves a good appetizer! 

With so much going on in our world, it’s easy to get distracted. People are also busy and don’t have a lot of time to digest long posts or watch lengthy videos. (This is why TikTok and IG Reels are on fire!)

Needless to say, it’s important to think about how you can serve your audience quickly.

How can you give them a quick tasty (aka impactful) bite of your brand? How can you give value, share your story, expertise, services, etc., in a simple and digestible way?

content marketing plan

What can you pull out of your core content and repurpose into quick tips, advice, or thought-provoking quotes?

Can you turn one blog post into a few different social media posts or a bite-sized video? Can you create a simple graphic, meme, or use other strategic design ideas to draw your customer's attention? What quick actionable content can you share that will pique their curiosity to explore your services and offerings?

I hope these tips will help you create content that connects and ditch any of the content creation overwhelm.

Keep sharing your thoughts and expertise with the world because there is someone out there who needs to hear your message!


Having a PLAN is the key to less entrepreneur overwhelm!

READ: Why You Need a Brand Roadmap!

As always, I’m here to help you build a strategic brand. If you have questions on how we can work together you can inquire here.



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