5 ways to ditch overwhelm and find rest in your business

Something you may not know about me is that I used to be a wildland firefighter.

As you might imagine, it was a grueling job. My crew often worked 16-hour days in smokey, hot, and exhausting conditions for two weeks straight before taking a necessary (and deserved) break. 

But this “time off” wasn’t exactly a vacation, it was 2 days of R&R -- to truly rest and recover. 

A 48-hour window of time to shower, refuel our bodies, and to sleep as much as possible so that we were ready to jump back into the next 2 weeks of firefighting. 

What does this have to do with your business?

Stay with me.

Much like the “fire world” it’s important as business owners and entrepreneurs that we also take the necessary time to step back. To refuel.

When you’ve been hustling SO hard in your business, similar to that fire line, your body and mind are probably in need of some TLC. And with the summer heatwave in full swing, it’s the perfect time to take a beat, kick your feet up, and find ways to reset.

By taking time away from work to rest and play, you can feel creative again, be inspired, and really lean into business growth. 

So, I want to encourage you to get a little R&R this summer. Not just for your health and happiness, but for the success of your business. 

Here are 5 surefire ways to make it happen. 

1. Step away from the screen. 

I know it’s easier said than done. But friend, your business isn’t going to implode on itself just because you closed your computer for a long weekend (or two). 

Taking time away from your computer and phone screen is not only good for the eyes, but the mind. It gives your brain a break to just relax and hit refresh. Then, you can come back to your screens later feeling 100% ready to take on the world (and your inbox). 

2. Refocus on your why.

As in, why did you start this business? Why are you working so freaking hard at it? What exactly are you working towards? Take a day off from the daily to-do’s and Zoom meetings to zoom out on your business and ask yourself these Qs. 

When you take time — and I mean really take time — to get refocused on all the “why’s” in your business, you can find clarity on your vision, mission, and ultimate purpose. You can zero in on your high-level business goals and feel confident in the next steps to get there. 

(This is SUCH a necessity for your business, that we actually dedicated an entire module to it inside the Legendary Brand Academy program.)

3. Play. 

I’m all about taking action. But one of the most crucial things I’ve realized as a designer and creative entrepreneur is that when you’re expelling so much energy INTO your business and client work, there becomes less and less creative energy available for YOU. The result? You start to lose the passion and playfulness behind your craft. 

So go ahead, friend. Play! Get creative this summer. Try something new that you’ve never done before. Maybe it’s painting, writing, pottery, or dancing. Whatever it is, just do something that reignites that zest for life factor — the excitement, energy, and passion you have for not only your craft, but being a business owner. 

In the long run, it will improve your work, boost your mindset, and make more clients want to work with you. 

4. Read a book.

You know the one. That book on the shelf that you’ve been “meaning” to read all year. Take some time to dust it off and learn something new. Whether you’re on vacation or still in work mode, carve out some time to sit back and dive into a really great business book. You might just gain a takeaway that could transform your brand. 

PRO TIP: Going on a road trip this summer? Download an audiobook to keep you company while you cruise!

5. Take it outside. 

Because there’s no WAY you should be spending the entire summer stuck inside behind your desk, friend. 

Getting outdoors is vital for your body, mind, and soul. It can help you get grounded and feel peace and stillness. Even if you can’t sneak away for a day hike or camping trip, you can still get out there! Go for a walk. Go to the park. Take off your shoes and walk barefoot. Most of all, breathe deep and take in the beauty around you. Trust me, when you do sit back down to work, you’ll be happy you did. 

One of my top tips? Take your work outdoors with you!

Grab your laptop, some snacks (of course), and a picnic blanket, and spend the morning or afternoon working outside. You’ll be surprised how much listening to the birds chirp as you type can enhance your work. 

How are YOU going to take a little R&R this Summer? 

Share it with me over on this Facebook post! And while you’re there, why not join our private Facebook community of fierce Outlaw entrepreneurs? 

This community is bursting with helpful business tips, entrepreneurial mindset magic, and digital marketing expertise. Are you game?! Click here to join us. 

However you’re planning to take a break this summer, I hope it sparks a new level of drive, clarity, and FUN in how you run your business (and your life). 


WANT MORE? When you’re done with your break and ready to make MOVES. Check out this blog: The Secret to Making More Sales