What is FREE costing you?

It’s a new year, but some things haven’t changed. My guess is that you’re still over there wearing all the hats, and doing all the things... And I’m still over here cheering you on!

BUT, friend, I’m also here with some hard truth.

I see you over there goal-setting and DIY’ing ALL the things -- your branding, marketing strategy, content planning, and working really hard to run your business like a boss!

And I know that it FEELS like doing all the things is saving you ALL the money… Zero judgment! I’ve been there. Seriously! I get it.

But have you ever stopped to really think about how much time, energy, and money you might actually be COSTING your business?

When I started my business (and for the first 3 years or so!) I taught myself how to do everything. I mean, e-ve-ry-thing.​

And I held both myself and my brand back in a pretty big way - unknowingly! Working late hours trying to figure out all the things, getting frustrated, overwhelmed, and stressed, just to wake up the next day and do it all over again.

Sound familiar?

Being “savvy” and guessing my way through everything cost me more than I care to think about.

It took me a long time to understand that FREE still costs something! (Whether it’s time, energy, money, or your sanity!)

So friend…

What is “FREE” actually costing YOU?

Investing in the things outside of your genius zone is how successful entrepreneurs and leaders get further faster! They hire experts to support, guide, and mentor them so that they can do what they do best! ​​

When I finally started investing in my business my confidence grew, I felt empowered, and I showed up in radically different ways for myself - and for my clients.

And a SHIFT happened...

I began to attract high-end clients, my income grew exponentially, AND I could finally focus more of my time, attention, and energy on things that had a bigger impact. ​​

Inside the Brand Academy, we'll be working on more than just brand-building, we’ll also be working through mindset shifts (like this!) that can keep you stalled out or from truly thriving as an entrepreneur.

I want you to THRIVE this year! And I would love to support you!

Learn more about our Brand Academy here!